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Wednesday 25 January 2012


An Open Group Gathering and Sharing

Part 1

As the first part of the new series of transmissions entitled “You Can Change Your Life Too”, we once again look at changing our perception about healing, and what we see within the world around us. Now is the beginning of a new cycle and one that we all may take advantage of as the new energies permeate our Beingness, so that we may find NEW TRUTH or a new perception of what truth is. It is our time now, to travel once again deep within our own Heart Centre for it is here that Our Highest Truths resides.

Truth of course has many levels, yours and mine may differ due to many of one’s life experiences, cultures and religions, or even as simple as what our parents and educational systems have taught us. So truth is truth for each and this can never be used against another, else one shall not be honouring their own. For disrespecting another’s choice of truth is disrespecting self! We search continuously for Higher Truth; that is why we read, travel and work. It is why we educate ourselves by asking questions while seeking the answers, for it never seems that what we ever know is enough. The fact is, it will never be enough for everything is in a constant flux of change as part of Universal Law. While we continue to look outside of ourselves, we will always find something new, but it may not be our Higher Truth. This applies within as well of course, but the Higher Truth we seek here will always be found, for the Divine Heart is where It resides.

We seek outside of our selves because we feel our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate, rather that our deepest fear is that we are so powerful beyond measure. It is our Light and not our darkness that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous, with health and well being? Actually, who are you not to be? You are a Child of the Divine Creator and as He/She only Creates Perfection so then must you BE! Your playing small does not serve the world. You seeing the ills, dis-easements and imbalances around the world and in others, does not serve you or them.

Did you know that Jesus did not heal anyone! This is Truth, he did not. The healing came not from the hand of Jesus but Him seeing them in their Perfection. Jesus’ Truth said that He did not see sickness or imbalance, He saw only Perfection, the Light of Glory of that person as a Child of God held within and in so doing placed around that person that Light of Perfection so that the recipient felt safe to change his/her mind about him/her self and thus create a new truth within. These were seen as miracles but in Truth the miracle was the new belief that the recipient accepted for him/her self! That of being Perfect! Oh Jesus received the credit, and we are told all about His miracles, but this perception or old paradigm thinking, can now be moved aside for a new choice to surface and be changed from the old acclaimed factual accreditations. The vibrational frequencies of humanity’s new group consciousness, now supports Higher Truth and so new potentials have arrived to change our perceptions once again.

There is nothing enlightened about holding your Light within, so that other people won't feel insecure around you. We are all meant to shine, as all children do. We were born to make manifest the Glory of The Supreme Creator that is within each of us. It's not just in some of us; it's in everyone. And as we let our own Inner Light of the Christos Energy Shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others. It was the Divine’s Simple Plan that one was never self defeating, only self expanding. Why are we, so unaware of what our Higher Truths have waiting for us? It is because we continue to project our creations outside of ourselves. Within our own hearts, lie all the answers, if we only take the time to go there and today with the support of the Universal Energies of Love that permeate and envelope you, is yet another great opportunity to find your Higher Truth within.

Your freedom lies within you, your healing lies within you, all is but a choice, for while we live as human beings, free will, shall always remain and here perceptions change constantly within the mind. Perception defines the world we see, change our perception and we change our world!

Today you are being invited to once again go deep within your own Blessed Heart, it is suggested that if you ask yourself the question, What Higher Truths do I hold within my Heart, that I may bring into my conscious awareness and my world, for my Highest Good and the Highest Good of those around me?

If you truly are tired of what you see, if you are unable to find clarity in what you feel, by finding a safe and quiet place where you can be alone with God and the Company of heaven that surrounds you, the answers will begin to filter into and through your consciousness. We can if we so choose, as each Higher Truth presents itself to us, write it down, ponder over it. Let it move and vibrate within your feeling body for the feeling is what you need to listen to in making the choices that will begin a new creation for you. You are in charge and you have been given the power of the Divine to create whatever you desire for yourself that will bring happiness, joy, abundance, health, wealth and most of all, Life!

To change one’s perception and belief system, one must live the new information or truth that you receive, so it may become experience. Until this happens it shall only remain information, words, thoughts or feelings and the old perceptions shall remain. They must be implemented to draw the new to you.

It is time Beloved Light Seekers of Truth to continue to raise the vibrations of your truth, to step up to new marks in levels of awareness and bring them into your own life first! If you desire to raise the vibrational frequencies of Love Divine then this shall offer you another opportunity to do so!

Have a wonder filled experience as you seek your own desired changes and remember, you have the Power of the Divine within your own hands to change your future and the future of the world.

Here are two questions to ponder,

1. How do you perceive your life right now?

2. Can you perceive that you can change that which you choose to change?

May Higher Truth Ring within your Hearts and Minds.


No Fees or Charges

There are no fees or charges for these courses, for I believe that sometimes those who actually have no money are the most worthy for what God desires them to know. So they too will be led here and they too shall be given equally all that they desire and can receive for themselves. I believe that Truth is free and therefore information should be free to find that Divine Truth. I have shared my stories, experiences and the knowledge that I have gained over the past 20 years for years based on donations or exchanges of Energy and the most valuable gift I ever received was 2 mandarins. I have written a Parable to share that experience and would be glad to send or post it here if anyone was interested, all you need to do is ask of you can visit this parable on the link here

The Parable of Hue, Amy and The Two Mandarins

Continuing on, I have found that over the last 20 years few people have truly understood the Law of Giving and Receiving or that of the Law of Energy Exchange and so because I did not have the funds to continue what I had to give, I had to stop what I was sharing and subsidize my spiritual work in a more practical way. I was a builder, a carpenter and joiner and the money I earned through that, allowed me the time to give again until that ran out. I have been away for the public eye for many years now, continuing my own search and seeking of Higher Truth, and my Soul is calling once again to become more public again and to give of my time, knowledge and energy for the benefit of others, so any loving donations or gratuities, exchanges of energy, no matter how small, will be gratefully received. These will then allow me to continue to both share and facilitate those whom seek new experiences in their lives, through the receipt of greater consciousness awareness. There is absolutely no obligation to donate whatsoever, because for me there is no judgement here. I shall not limit or restrict what I give or share, the only governing aspect shall be the availability of funds to expand upon my plans for sharing and any limitations of time that I personally face.

There is a PayPal link provided here for anyone who would feel they would like to make a contribution. Thanking you in Advance, Bless you for your generosity!

PayPal Link for Donations and Gratuities

Divine Love and Light - Peter

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